On the second day of the International Justice Forum “Belt and Road “which is being held on 2nd and 3rd July in Beijing, Justice Minister Nela Kuburović met with Justice Minister of the People’s Republic of China Zhenghua Fu to discuss the advancement of the legal cooperation between the two countries, including the harmonisation of laws which would further enable the implementation of the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative.

It was said in the meeting that promotion of bilateral relations between the two Justice Ministries was necessary through the signing of four new agreements on international legal assistance in criminal and civil matters, given that the ever-growing cooperation between Serbia and China in all social areas. Also, the ministers concurred that it was necessary to strengthen the direct cooperation between judicial institutions, including the two countries’ legal professions.

Towards the harmonisation of the rights of states which had joined the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative, the Justice Ministers noted that it was necessary to create a shared civil and commercial law platform which would prevent disputes arising from intensified economic cooperation.